Friday, April 1, 2011

A mixed salad bowl

Winter Mix
One of my favourite innovations from seed companies in recent years has been the introduction of mixed packets of salad leaves. There is a great range available from most seed merchants. Some of my favourites are Spicy Mix, Italian Mix, Mixed Lettuce, Winter Mix, Oriental Mix, Stir Fry Mix.

They couldn't be simpler  to grow and they are something you can do on your windowsill or back porch. You can grow them in pots, grow bags, outdoors or under cover. I'm currently enjoying Winter Mix, Mixed Lettuce and Stir Fry Mix from the glass house.

Other salad leaves that are easy to grow under cover or in the bed are baby spinach leaves. Simply sow them pretty close; about 2-3 cm between seeds and pick them while they are young. They go really well in a salad with rocket leaves. Again these are really simple to grow indoors or out.

It is important to keep a succession of salad leaves by sowing "little and often". Just one or two short rows of about a metre every two weeks will keep you in salad leaves.

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